Web Design and Custom App Development Blog

SEO Tips that Law Firms Can’t Afford to Ignore

While referrals and networking will continue to play a role in your business development efforts, a lot of potential clients—both in the business and personal spheres—are looking online to find attorneys. In today's world, your search ranking is a strong indicator of your credibility and authority in your practice area. Your competitors are investing in law firm search engine optimization to elevate their authority in the market and be found online, and you should be too.

Five Web Design Tactics Your Industrial Website Might Be Missing

Industrial companies generally rely on long-term relationships and referrals to drive a majority of sales, but many are starting to recognize that a strong online presence can also help drive revenue. Whether it’s time for a simple update or complete redesign, consider these five tactics to create a more effective industrial website that can produce leads and act as an always-on sales resource.